Fox vs Coyote fight comparison- who will win?

There will rarely be a fight between these wild animals Fox and Coyote. But if it happens, have you ever wonder, who is going to win in the battle? Fox vs Coyote

Where does a fox live?

The native of the foxes is Northern Africa, Asia and Europe, and it is almost found in all parts of the world. It belongs to the Canidae family. The size of the fox would vary on the type of species. It will range between 36 and 42 inches.

What is the height and tail size of a fox?

Their tail will be from 14 to 16 inches. They will be in the height of about 40 cm.

What does a fox sound like?

It includes a series of barks and screams of y variation in a howl, they are higher pitched sounds than dog vocalizations, the bark is like wow-wow-wow.

What does a Fox eat?

Foxes are omnivores  and they feed on small animals like reptiles, mammals, birds, insects, frogs, worms, rabbits, fish, fruits, fungi, carrion, crabs, hare etc.

Will a fox attack a dog?

Yes, they do attack on small dogs and puppies but it is very difficult for them to attack large dogs.

Do foxes attack humans?

They don’t attack on humans, but if you provoke them they do attack on humans.

Can we keep Fox as a pet?

They are not domesticated animals, it is difficult to tame, they are not good as pets, they are wild animals and their best habitat is wildlife and forests.  

What is the weight of a fox?

Typically, the weight of adult foxes will be from 10 to 15 pounds. But when we look out another species, they will weigh around 30 pounds. Red foxes are the common species of fox, and its fur is in reddish-brown. It is also can be found in large cities, although there is the presence of humans.

What are the exciting facts about Fox?

There are around 12 species of fox. The foxes are nocturnal animals, and so they used to search for their prey during the night time.

Which is larger is size- Fox or coyote?

They are smaller in size than Coyote, and unlike them, they are solitary animals.

Due to its healthy teeth, they have different preys such as rabbits, moles and mice along with fruits, seeds and grains

What are the features of Coyote?

Coyote belongs to the Felidae family, and its appearance is almost similar to the red fox. The size of the female coyotes is smaller when compared with the male coyotes.

What is the weight of a coyote?

In general, the adult coyote weights from 6.8 to 21 kg. 

Similar to the size, the weight also differs between male and female Coyote. The weight of the female Coyote is from 7 to 18 kg, while the weight of the male Coyote is between 8 and 20 kg. 

What does a coyote sound like?

Coyote howl is high pitched barks and yips which have lyrics and they sing it loud as well.

What does a coyote look like?

They look like elongated snouts, narrow, lean bodies, bushy tails, yellow eyes and thick fur, they look like dogs, wolves and foxes.

What does a coyote eat?

Coyotes are omnivores which means they can eat anything they find on their way, it includes fruits, cactus, beans, insects, flowers, mesquite, rabbits, lizards, snakes and birds.

How high can a coyote jump?

Coyotes can jump upto 3 feet in the air, they can jump from any size fences. 

What eats a Coyote?

Coyotes have many predators like Mountain lions, Wolves, Brown bears and American alligators.

What to do if you see a coyote?

You should clap your hands loudly, you must show some aggression, wave your arms and throw objects to them like rocks, sticks etc. Always maintain eye contact with them and make deep voices.

If you visited a area where coyotes are there, always carry dog spray and do not run away from them.

Will a coyote attack a dog?

Yes, they attack dogs, the dogs and cats are their prey.

Can we keep coyotes as a pet?

They are illegal in most states to trade but people keep them, they are wild in nature and it is not recommended to keep them as pets, they are wild in comparison to wolves and wolf dogs.

Will a coyote attack a human?

They don’t attack humans as such but yes they do attack on humans, the attacks can be preventable by educating the people who live in areas where their population is high.

What is the length and tail size of a coyote?

Coyote has the length which is between 1 to 2 cm while the length of the tail is about 16 inches.

What are the exciting facts about Coyote?

Coyotes usually are more significant when compared with the fox. Researchers had found about 19 different species of Coyote. They used to hunt the prey during the day time. The gestation period for Coyote is about 60 days. They live in groups, and they are regarded as Social Animals.

How fast a coyote runs?

Coyotes are predatory animals, and they can run up to 60 km/hr. They can eat rabbits, rodents, amphibians and fish. 

Fox Vs Coyote fight comparison- Who will win?

Fox vs coyote fight

As both Fox and Coyote lookout for the same resources, they can be considered as natural enemies. They have a fierce competition among the prey and habitation. When compared with size, Coyote can easily overcome the fox as it is more extensive. Not only in the term of size but is Coyote also much more durable than the fox.  

The canines are more lengthy and extended than the canines of a fox. So their bite can be more aggressive and devastating. Though they are likely to eat more flesh, they don’t defend themselves for habitation. While if you look for the weakness in fox, they avoid entirely the occupancy which has a large number of coyotes.  

Coyotes used to defeat their enemy with group life.  If we look upon the difference between these animals, we can conclude that Coyote has more chances of winning due to its robust nature and fox will have fewer opportunities due to its weak physical features. I hope you like reading on Fox vs Coyote.

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