7 Biggest Challenges All New Puppy Owners Face

If you’ve just welcomed a cuddly new puppy to your home, you may think that the most challenging aspect of being a dog parent is being overwhelmed by how cute your little furball is. Well, you’d be wrong. Raising a pup is a big responsibility. Dogs are living creatures requiring as much care and attention as any other living being. It would help if you were attuned to their needs and trained them in a specific way so they do not cause a mess. 

We have listed some common challenges most inexperienced dog owners face that can help you identify and prevent several issues that might otherwise cause unnecessary hassles.

1. Potty Training

Potty training is no easy feat, yet it is needed to maintain cleanliness within the house. New pets are inexperienced and do not know how to control this natural process. Hence, it could take a great deal of time to teach them the proper places to poop. This process is not always easy and sometimes requires a few months. You need to exercise patience and allow your dog some time to adapt. 

In the meantime, if you want to rid yourself of the hassle of picking up after your dog every time it poops in the wrong place, you can opt for a dog poop service. Their charges vary according to the number and size of dogs you own. However, it can be highly convenient as your house will stay clean with minimal effort.

2. Basic Training

Every new puppy needs basic training to understand specific commands. Owners generally teach them how to sit, stand, and roll over. It may take a while because it is hard to communicate clearly with puppies in the initial phase. Some owners find it easier to present their dogs with small treats every time they follow the command. It acts as a positive reinforcement as per the operant condition theory.

It also helps to use the same commands each time and get your family on board with the training too. Not only will you be training your dog, but you will also be forming a bond with it in the process. It can be a great way to spend quality time together. 

3. Socializing

Animals are not always used to socializing with others of the same species. It can take some time for them to get used to the company of other dogs. You should avoid forcing it on them too soon, as it might lead to social anxiety. They may also react aggressively. Hence, you should help them get used to one dog at a time and ease them into the process.

Another option you can consider is puppy socializing classes. They can provide the ideal environment for pets to get comfortable with new dogs. Furthermore, if you are worried about your dog getting bullied or feeling shy, you can feel reassured as these sessions are supervised.

4. Veterinary Care

In the initial phase, you must get your dog vaccinated against various diseases such as distemper, rabies, and parvovirus. Dogs also get worms from time to time. You should stay alert for any noticeable signs and get them dewormed as soon as possible.

Vaccinations usually start when they are six weeks old but may require booster shots down the line. If you want a safety net, you can invest in puppy insurance. You will be required to pay a small fee, but you will be covered if the puppy injures itself.

5. Separation Anxiety

You can’t be with your dog at all times. Work or family obligations may lead you to go out without your puppy in tow. Now, if your doggo is very attached to you, they can have severe separation anxiety if you are not in their direct line of sight. It is better to ease them into being okay when you leave the house.

Start by leaving them alone for a few minutes at a time before you slowly increase the duration. It is also best to stay calm and pepper your dog with attention and assurance that you will return soon before leaving. Your dog will learn to wait patiently and not assume the worst.

6. General Health

One crucial aspect that you must pay attention to is frequent exercise. Taking your dog out on daily walks can help you get fresh air, create a good bond, and let your dog stay fit. If your dog suffers from obesity, it can pose numerous health issues. You might feel lazy or unmotivated at the prospect of going out sometimes, but it is better to prioritize exercise as it can ensure their well-being in the long run.

Dogs also need a healthy, balanced diet to stay fit. Consulting a vet can let you know some possible options you can try serving them. They might not always appreciate healthy food as it may not taste as desirable, but you need to get them used to it slowly.

7. Teething

Teething can be a somewhat painful process for a puppy. You will need to make an effort to ease the dog’s discomfort. One way to help them is by providing them with a chewable toy. You can also give them frozen beef or chicken broth cubes that temporarily numb their pain. Some herbal plants are also known for their soothing properties. These include lavender and chamomile. You can use them to make tea and pour it on their food once cold. 

The Bottom Line

Most new puppy owners face numerous challenges and don’t know how to deal with them. These are some basic issues you should be aware of so you can react accordingly. Puppies are vulnerable creatures and require owners to be alert regarding their health and fitness.

It is also better to never shy away from visits to the vet as it could mean the difference between life and death. However, a positive mindset and patience are all you need to tackle any problem that you might encounter. 

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