Why Does My Puppy Pee So Much?

Dogs are loving animals. Adopt or purchase a dog and take care of them in the best of ways. We assure you that they will reciprocate all the love and care you give to them. People love to keep dogs because they are fun-loving animals. They start owning you. They wag their tails with excitement the moment they see you, sit beside you when you are in a rough mood, play catch the ball when they’re in a playful mood, and look forward to being fed by you with different kinds of new treats every day.

Although owning a dog makes your life fun, it does come with a fair share of responsibilities. From food to grooming to dealing with their health issues, all is taken care of by the dog owner. Dogs or puppies go through many health issues, among which frequent urination is also one. Puppies peeing a lot can be due to medical and other reasons. You are at the right place if you want to know these reasons and their solutions.

How Often Should a Puppy Pee?

The age of a dog plays a very important role in telling you how often your puppy should pee. As the pups grow, their muscles get strong and start to develop the ability to retain their urine for longer periods. Having said that, pups at their younger age have very less or no ability to control their urine and they feel the need to pee more frequently. They have small bladders. They will need to urinate within 15 to 30 mins of their bladder getting full. Puppies between the age of 6-9 months should be taken for emptying their bladders after every two hours. This proves that the urination rate depends on their age.

Medical Reasons for Frequent Urination

We would like to discuss the possible medical reasons behind a puppy urinating frequently. But do remember that a puppy will most likely need to go through many tests, such as urine and blood tests, to make a diagnosis.


Diabetes is a condition in which the body becomes intolerant to the insulin produced, or you can also say that your pancreas produces less insulin. This affects the blood sugar and causes the kidney of a puppy to empty his bladder frequently. Diabetes also causes an excessive thrust that leads them to drink more water hence exacerbating the peeing problem. It can be cured if you visit the veterinarian on time.


Urinary tract infections make a pup pee frequently. UTIs are easily curable despite some bacterial strains being difficult to remove. But, this can only happen when the pup is given the right treatment at the right time. A bladder infection gets easily confirmed by a urine test. The treatment depends on the type of UTI.

Kidney and Bladder Stones

Stones can be extremely painful for dogs. Bladder stones make a dog urinate frequently and become life-threatening if not treated on time. Kidney stones are also one of the leading causes of frequent urination in puppies. However, they are easily curable compared to bladder stones.


Nerves play a very important role in sending signals to the brain of performing the activity you plan to do in your head. The nerves that are connected to the dog’s brain and bladder sometimes get affected by the pressure put by brain or spinal tumors that can make it difficult for them to manage their bladders.

Other Reasons for Frequent Urination

There is not just medical reason but some behavioral ones too. Read about them below.


Like humans, dogs also get anxious. Anxiety is one of the behavior issues that is a leading cause of frequent urination. A puppy feeling anxious gets very tense, and this leads them to panic more than usual. This panic attack can make them sweaty and urinate more often.

Attention Seeking Behavior

This might seem to be an inappropriate reason behind a puppy urinating frequently. But to be very honest, this is the most straightforward one. When they don’t get enough attention, they pee in unsuitable areas. All that they want is attention. So, you need to get out of your couch and play some games with your puppy to provide him extra excitement and attention. You can also get some dog puzzle toys that will keep your puppy occupied.

Improper Training

You might be the cause of your puppy’s excessive peeing. Why are we saying this? Sometimes, people don’t understand the correct times of taking your puppy to pee. You need to make them learn where and when to do it. This can be done by setting regular and tough training methods. Manage your puppy’s toilet routine as well.

What Is the Solution?

We did discuss the reasons – both medical and others – that can be the leading cause of frequent urination in puppies. What we didn’t discuss are the solutions. Know about them below

Lengthen Potty Breaks

Puppies have a particular habit of peeing after a specific activity, and that can be after walks or just after getting up. Consider prolonging that activity so that they get potty trained. That doesn’t mean you get the rod in this regard. Do allow your pup to empty his bladder thoroughly and at a slow pace make him trained.

Crate Training

This is known to be one of the most successful strategies for teaching pups where to defecate and pee. Keep your puppy in his crate if you are not around him. He will never pee close to where he sleeps. Let your pup out to go to the bathroom after every 2 or 3 hours at first, then increase the duration with time.

Clean Up Properly

Puppies tend to go to the places where they have defecated or peed before. After washing and soaking the puddle, you need to remove the smell by using a good-quality odor neutralizer.

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