Why Do Dachshunds Need Ramps?

Dachshunds are a popular breed of dog in the United States for good reason! They are energetic and playful, making them great pets for families. However, one thing that makes dachshunds unique is their long bodies and short legs, which can cause issues. This is where ramps come in! Ramps help dachshunds overcome their unique body shape so they can live happy and healthy lives.

Why are ramps important for Dachshunds?

Apart from making their lives easier, Dachshunds are prone to developing Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) due to their long spinal cord, which can cause severe back pain.

IVDD often requires expensive surgery followed by months of crate rest, so avoiding it should be a top priority. One way to help prevent IVDD is by using a ramp. Jumping up and down on furniture can aggravate Dachshunds’ backs, so using a ramp will help your dog avoid any potential health problems.

If you have any Dachshund-specific questions, check out Dachshund Talks Blog for more information on this adorable breed! 

Are ramps or stairs better for dachshunds?

When it comes to which is better for your Dachshund, this does come down to personal preference. However, in most cases, it is advised to use ramps for Dachshunds because stairs still require them to jump, and this can cause additional back pain. Another benefit of ramps is they’re usually adjustable, so they can be used to help your Dachshund of any height! 

Where can you buy a ramp for your Dachshund?

There are many places where you can buy a ramp for your Dachshund. Pet stores, online retailers, and even some hardware stores sell ramps specifically designed for dogs.

What should you look for?

Before you decide to go full steam ahead and buy a ramp for your Dachshund, you need to take a few things into consideration.

When choosing a ramp, the first thing you want to consider is the size. Most ramps are designed to fit inside a standard doorway or staircase. You also want to consider what surface the ramp will be on to avoid it slipping. This can easily be resolved by putting anti-slip feet or maybe even a yoga mat underneath it.

The next thing you need to think about is the type of ramp you buy. There are two main types of ramps: permanent and portable. Permanent ramps are designed to be installed in one place, while portable ramps can be moved around as needed.

Another thing you should be mindful of is the weight capacity of the ramp. This is especially important if you live in a house with different dog breeds, as some of them might be heavier than others.

Finally, you need to consider the cost of the ramp. Ramps can range anywhere from around $25 to $100, so make sure you have an idea of what you’re looking for and your budget before making a purchase.

Tips for getting your Dachshund to use the ramp.

Dachshunds can be a bit wary of new things, so you’ll need to do a bit of persuading to get them to try out the ramp.

Leave the ramp in one place.

Until your Dachshund is comfortable using the ramp, it’s best to leave the ramp in one place. This will help them get used to the idea of using it.

Don’t force it

One of the worst things you can do is force your Dachshund to use the ramp. If they don’t want to try it, they’ll most likely stay away from it.

Instead, take things slow. Let them get used to the idea of using the ramp by gradually introducing it into their everyday routine.

Make it fun

Try to make a game out of it, pop some treats in the middle of the ramp, and have a bit of fun trying to get your Dachshund to jump up and grab them. This will help them to associate using the ramp with positive experiences. 

Lay it flat

If your Dachshund isn’t comfortable using the ramp with an incline, try laying the ramp flat instead. This will make it easier for them to get up and down. Once they’re comfortable using the ramp in this way, you can start to add an incline.

Reward, reward, reward

Lastly, the key to getting your Dachshund to use the ramp is to reward them for using it. This can be in the form of treats, petting, or even a little playtime. Just make sure you do it consistently, and your Dachshund will quickly learn that using the ramp is a fun activity!

Wrapping Things Up

So there you have it – the basics of why dachshunds need ramps. While they’re not necessary for every dog, ramps are needed for Dachshunds. Make sure you purchase the right type of ramp, take things slow in getting them to use it, and reward them for their efforts!

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