Physical Therapy Exercises For Dogs You Can Do At Home

It is every pet owner’s nightmare to see their pet hurt and injured. Unfortunately, there are instances when dogs get into an accident and injure themselves. Others adopt already disabled dogs. No matter what their condition is, We still love them. Taking care of a disabled dog is indeed a very difficult and tiring job, but at the end of the day, they are our best friends. It is important to take care of dogs’ health, all the more if they are disabled. We should still keep them fit and healthy despite their condition. 

Even disabled dogs still like and long for exercise, however, the exercises they can do depends on how physically able they are. Some exercises and therapies can help them have fun and relieve stress. But first, you must consult a vet before doing these activities. You can search for top vets in Atlanta or whatever city you are in and give them a call.

People these days are busy with fifa world cup at 世足賽2022 and they kept on ignoring their pets. Thus, therapies and massage for your pets is must to take care of.

Though these exercises are meant o help them, they are still on a case-to-case basis, so always proceed cautiously. Here are some activities you can do for dogs with mobility issues or disabilities. 


Massages are the easiest and most comfortable type of exercise. To do this, start by laying your dog down and gently and carefully massaging the major muscles. Do this from the top of their body, going down to the legs. Gently apply pressure on the affected parts. The pressure does not have to be consistent; see how your dog reacts and adjust accordingly. Massaging will not only help relieve discomfort, improve blood circulation, and reduce stress and anxiety. The goal of this activity is to ease up the discomfort of your dog and make them feel relaxed until they fall asleep. 

Water therapy

To do this activity, put your dog in a small pool or bathtub. Make sure that they are wearing a life vest. Let them swim around but support them by lifting the life jacket a bit, so they don’t have to carry their whole weight. Support their belly, too, to make it more comfortable for them. Gently guide them around the pool or tub and ensure their head stays dry. Water therapy or hydrotherapy stimulates their heart, serving as a good cardio exercise and allowing them to use their full range of motion.   


Stretching allows different parts of their bodies to decompress and therefore relieve stress on the body. You can lay them down and assist them; just make sure to do this carefully. You can also use a treat to lure them in. Slowly move the treat around once they are lured with it and let them follow the threat. Move the treat in different directions so that their whole body will be stretched. See if their shoulders, hips, and limbs stretch; if it does, give the treat to them. Do not forget to get them and give them praises. Do this repeatedly until your dog has fully stretched its body.

Sit and stand

The sit and stand exercise will help improve your dog’s agility and strengthen its core. Start by letting them sit down, then bring out a treat to motivate them to stand up. Once they stand up, give them the treat, then give them the command to sit down. Do this a few times, about ten times in total. But if your dog gets tired, do not force it. Changing their position from time to time will help improve their mobility and build strength. 

Give them treats so that they see these activities as games and something to look forward to, not something they have to do. Do not forget to keep these exercises short and light and always observe your dog’s reaction. Do not overdo any of the activities.

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