How to make your dog comfortable with muzzles?

A muzzle helps keep your dog’s aggressive behaviour under check alongside, keeping everyone around it safe. One single bite from your pet dog can lead you into legal trouble. Hence muzzles come in handy when it comes to managing a dog’s aggression.

Muzzles can be a proper grooming and learning experience for dogs that are new to being in public. But at times, making your dog wear a muzzle can be a frustrating experience. Before your dog can wear a muzzle for four long hours, you have to ensure that you train him appropriately. Check this pet care software, It might help your pet. 

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In this article, we will deal with all general questions regarding dog muzzles and also list two best muzzles on Amazon, which are safe for your dog to wear.

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When should you consider making your dog wear a muzzle?

 Remember, you cannot switch to a muzzle just because you want to punish your dog. Never throw your pet into such tough situations as doing so might trigger the dog further. Here are some circumstances when you should muzzle your dog-

  1. When you are taking your dog for some emergency like a checkup where you know he is bound to get out-of-control. This will keep your dog as well as the expert handling him free from any harm.
  2. In situations where you find your dog to be terrified or nervous. There are chances that he might bite someone.
  3. If you know your dog is aggressive, make him wear a muzzle before taking him out lest he should cause injuries.

How to make your dog comfortable with the muzzle?

Before hoping into training your dog with the muzzle, you will have to start by making him get used to the muzzle around his mouth. Stock up enough patience for it might take a little time for your pet to get used to a muzzle.

  1. Whenever your dog wears a muzzle without much conflict, present him with a reward- a treat, a new toy, or whatever else he likes.
  2. If your dog shows no progress and still acts negatively towards wearing the muzzle, you could lather the edge of the muzzle with some sauce or spread that he likes and allow him to lick it. This will change his perception of the muzzle as being something alien and curbing his freedom.
  3. Remember never to put the muzzle on your dog forcefully. Try making him comfortable around it by adding treats inside it which he can eat. Let him keep his nose inside the muzzle for some minutes.
  4. When your dog gets comfortable wearing the muzzle, do not stop treating him. Provide him with more treats and make him feel he has achieved something.
  5. Your dog will soon look forward to being muzzled as he will start associating it with fun and food.

Top 3 muzzles available on Amazon-

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Once your dog wears a muzzle, don’t be overly strict with him. Try to play around with toys, so that he starts associating the muzzle with joyful things and not just restrictions. Start this at your home. You may slowly begin taking your fun activities outside the four walls of your room.

Once you can find your dog reacting well to the muzzle, gradually begin taking it around other animals and humans or whatever triggers his anxiety and aggression. This progress will depend from dog to dog, so don’t rush into things, let your pet find his own pace.

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