Can Dogs have Vitamin B and Vitamin C?

For healthy people, vitamins are essential for the overall development of their body and immune system. Any medical stores or grocery stores have their shelves filled with many human vitamin supplements. But many doubt in their mind whether these vitamins are also useful for pets, especially dogs. Can dogs have Vitamin B and Vitamin C?

This is the most common doubt for many people who are in a decision to take new dogs as their pets. Do dogs need vitamin supplements for their body enhancement?

Yes, dogs also need vitamins as humans do, but the quantity of their needs differs from humans.

With this answer, another question also arises. Which vitamins are to be supplied to the dogs? I have the solution to this question of yours too.

 Dogs need almost all the vitamins that humans also need.

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

These are the essential vitamins that should be supplied to a dog for its better growth of body and immune system.

But in this article, I will be discussing vitamin B and C, their effect on the dog’s body, and the results of their deficiency.

vitamin b and Vitamin c in dogs

Let us discuss them one by one.

Why Vitamin B is necessary for dogs?

This group of vitamins is essential that plays a perfect role in a dog’s health. These vitamins are necessary for a healthy nervous system, mouth, eyes, skin, and reproductive organs of a dog. These are also the organs that get affected due to the deficiency of this vitamin. It can also change their behaviour, intelligence, nerve functions, and brain functioning of the dog. Vitamin B is a group of water-soluble vitamins.

Now I will be listing out all the groups of vitamin B, their effect in the body and their deficiency effects:

Why Vitamin B-1 is important for dogs?

Vitamin B-1 also known as Thiamine. It helps in the regulation of energy and metabolism in a dog’s body. Its deficiency affects brain damage and may even cause death. Its symptoms are vomiting, less appetite, and unsteadiness.

Why Vitamin B-2 is important for dogs?

Vitamin B-2 also known as Riboflavin. It helps in the functioning of enzymes, red cell formation, and antibody production in the dog’s body. Its deficiency leads to congenital disabilities. Symptoms of deficiency are bloodshot eyes and conjunctivitis.

Why Vitamin B-3 is important for dogs?

Vitamin B-3 also known as Niacin. It helps in improving blood circulation and maintaining the cholesterol levels of a dog body. Its deficiency leads to the black tongue.

Why Vitamin B-5 is important for dogs?

Vitamin B-5 also known as Pantothenic acid. It helps in maintaining a sound immune system and in fighting allergies, infections, etc. Its deficiency symptoms are allergies and infections. 

Why Vitamin B-12 is important for dogs?

Vitamin B-12 also known as Cobalmin. It helps in normal food digestion, healthy growth, and development of a body, and good fertility for females. Its deficiency leads to anaemia.

I will be providing the sources where you can get the best Vitamin B supplements for your dog from the best e-commerce website,, which has been recommended by many customers: 

[amazon bestseller=”Vitamin B dogs” items=”3″ template=”table”]

Why Vitamin C is necessary for dogs?

It is the most important antioxidant for a dog. It helps in cleaning its body from harmful poisonous substances and prevents early ageing. Usually, dogs can synthesize vitamin C on their own in their body itself through the liver.

But sometimes it is necessary to supplement from the outside as well for health benefits. It helps in the effective functioning of white blood cells and the production of various antibodies to fight against infections. Stress causes the depletion of vitamin-C in dogs. Its deficiency can lead to significant illness to its body.

Here are some of the Sources suggested by me for the best Vitamin C supplements for your dog from These products are recommended by many customers and have been the bestsellers:

[amazon bestseller=”Vitamin c dogs” items=”3″ template=”table”]

In addition to that, I will also be providing the Sources that can help in boosting the immunity of your dogs:

[amazon box=”B00H4I5UB0″]
I think these sources may help you in getting the best supplements for your cute pets and can help them in maintaining their health.

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