Buffalo vs Cow Fight comparison- who will win?

One of the exciting fights of animals is between Buffalo and Cow. To know who will win if Buffalo and Cow decided to fight, let’s look at their strengths. Buffaloes and Cows show some similar properties; let’s compare their differences. 

Where do you found Buffaloes?

Buffaloes are also called as water buffaloes or domestic water buffaloes. Water buffaloes originated in India and Southeast Asia. Now they are found in other parts of the world such as China, Europe, Australia, Africa and America.

What is the weight of a Buffalo?

Buffaloes are mammals with substantial built body, their other body parts are small and short, and they have a huge belly. An average buffalo weighs from 300 kg to 550 kg.

What is the height of a Buffalo?

The average height of a female buffalo is 120 cm to 130 cm at the withers. They have a short tail and sharp horns. Their skin colour is dark black, or some subspecies of Buffalo can have a slate-black colour skin. Buffalo’s horns curve upward in a spiral shape.    

What Buffalos consume to survive?

Water buffaloes feed on plants. They all kinds of plants, sometimes this helps farmers to clear the unwanted grass from a particular area. They also feed on fodder crops such as hay, pulped and chaffed. Buffaloes are domestic animals and are also used as a source of income. They are widely used for milk production.

What are strengths of Buffaloes?

Buffalo main strength is their horns. They have sharp horns which they use to fight against any other animal. Buffaloes are considered aggressive animals and are one of the most dangerous animals. They are also known to attack other animals and kill them. 

Buffalo vs Cow fight

What are interesting facts of a Cow?

Cows are domestic and friendly animals. They are farmed for several agricultural products including meat and dairy products. Assize is the essential factor will comparing two animals.

What is weight and height of a cow?

Average weight of an adult cow can range from 272 kg to 454 kg. The heights of a Cow can 100 cm to 120 cm at the withers. 

What Cows consume to survive?

Cows diet is grain typically corn or corn products as it is an excellent source of energy and high for the milk density. But most of the cows eat grass and waste food. They are also fed with fodder that consist of hay, pulped and chaffed.

What are strengths of cows?

Cows don’t exhibit any particular strength. They have a well-growing body, but this hardly helps them after engaging a fight with other animals.

Buffalo vs Cow fight comparison, who will win?

If a fight between Buffalo and a Cow arises, let’s look at the strengths to know who will win the battle. From my point of view, cows are restrained nature and hardly get into fights. On the other hand, buffaloes are aggressive and can tackle other animals easily with the help of their horns.

A cow and a buffalo are no match for a fight in any way. A buffalo can easily gore a cow to death due to its powerful and sharp horns. Due to these cows can’t stand the power and aggressiveness of a Buffalo. This results in the Cow losing the fight with buffalo   

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