Best parrots Food- Which are Fruits Parrots Love to Eat?

Are you looking to know Best parrots Food- Which are Fruits Parrots Love to Eat? Parrots can safely eat every kind of fruit as fruits are the yummiest combination of flavours. But only 15% of a parrot’s diet consists of fruits as normally they tend to consume a balanced diet of seeds, grains and vegetables. But fruits are healthiest if offered fresh and raw once or twice a week. Don’t deprive your adorable ones of delicious flavours and remarkable nutrition of fruits. 

Fruits proved a healthy food choice but what kind of fruits you should offer to your feathered pet. Here, you will find out the best fruits Parrots love to eat

Best Parrots Food- Which are Fruits Parrots Love to eat?


Pineapples come with a juicy sweet texture that Parrots love to devour. Cut it into small pieces and offer to pick them up easily. Apart from taste, Pineapple has high nutritional value that will keep your adorable pets healthy. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and calcium that helps to boost the parrot’s immune system, promote smooth stomach movements and wipe their intestinal tract. Also, calcium plays a crucial role to strengthen their flight and bones. 


Parrots love to consume sweet and citrus yummiest oranges as these will take your bird to the delightful world of tastes. It helps your pet to reduce stress and boost its immune system.  A high nutritional treat that contains vitamin C, B6, antioxidants, calcium and potassium that prevent your pet from several deadly conditions. 

Nevertheless, oranges are citrus fruits. Overfeeding can drive your bird to digestion problems, so offer them wisely. 


Grapes are the tiniest packet of energy that are remarkably delicious and dine in for your incredible small feathered companion.  These tiny bites are the best choice for them as it has a high amount of nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals and a natural sugar called Fructose. Grapes offer instant energy boosters so your pet stays active all day long. 

Moreover, it also prevents them from many health related chronic problems. But wash them carefully before offering to remove all pesticides and chemical effects. 


Fruits that come with sweet texture proved a favourite one for Parrots and apples are one of them. Offer small slices of apples, so small birds can eat and digest easily. Apples come with high nutritional value like having all the essential nutrients and minerals that keep your Parrots healthier. 

Apple’s peel off can be risky for parrot’s health as it has deadly pesticides consequences. Also, its skin is troublesome for birds to digest. So, avoid giving them apple’s peels. 


Different coloured berries can be a healthy vibrant delicious lunch for your adorable pet. Parrots can eat every kind of berries including blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries. It comes with a sweet, juicy and a bit tart texture. However, each has its unique taste.

 Berries have impressive nutritional value as they contain antioxidants, vitamins B6, C, E, protein, sugar and so on. It boosts immunity, feather strength and smooth stomach digestion and prevents fatal disorders. 

Can Parrots Eat All Fruits?

Parrots can eat all fruits but it largely depends upon your pet choice which taste they like more. Each fruit can be beneficial if offered in a moderate amount. Fruits are an occasional treat, so don’t add them to their daily diet plan. 

Most fruits are dense with natural sugar (Fructose) which overconsumption can take birds to chronic conditions like obesity, diarrhoea, heart diseases, immunity problems and weak flight. Fructose is also difficult for them to digest, so take caution about quantity.

Final Verdict

Fruits are the healthiest and yummiest choice for a parrot’s diet. But be careful about the quality along with quantity. 

Try to offer them fresh and raw fruits to consume full nutritional value. Rinse each fruit before offering to remove all the chemical and pesticides effects, otherwise, it can be fatal. We have enlisted the Best parrots Food- Which are Fruits Parrots Love to Eat? but prioritise your lovable bird’s choice.

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