10 Ways to Give Your Pet the Best Care Possible

Adding a pet to your family/home comes with numerous advantages we sometimes seem to overlook. Aside from the like of dogs giving us security at home, pets in general are stress relievers reduce anxiety, and serve as companions. With all these benefits we also have some responsibilities towards them.  Once you decide to keep a pet, you should be ready to give the best care possible to make them comfortable. Be ready to engage in some everyday useful activities to keep them healthy and happy. If you are a new pet owner, here are some routine activities to do for your dog and cat pet.

Follow the vaccination chart

If you are keeping a dog or cat pet, it is critical to follow their vaccination chart religiously to prevent the spread of diseases and also keep your pet healthy. For example, an unvaccinated dog can spread rabies to family members through direct contact with their saliva or broken skin. Your puppy should do the following vaccinations C- Corona, Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo-Virus, and Parainfluenza. If you own a kitten immunizing them against feline leukemia, herpes virus, and rabies is critical.

Make the Vet a friend

A healthy pet is a great comforter. Just as we go for routine checkups at the hospital, you should also do the same for your furry friend. Your pet cannot talk when experiencing discomfort, and routine veterinarian visits are the only way to help keep them in good shape. At least your dog or cat should visit the vet twice a year for checkups, depending on the breed you are keeping and age. This also helps in the early diagnosis of any potential deadly threat to your animal friend.

A comfortable place to live

For smaller pets like cats or small dogs, owners can decide to live with them in their rooms. However, this can’t be said for large pets like guide dogs. Your pet deserves a comfortable and accessible place of abode, so you can buy an already made metal pen/cage or create something special that suit your fluffy friend. Note: Before you buy or adopt a pet, you should consider renting a pet-friendly apartment. For example, you cannot own a bulldog or German shepherd when living in a condo. Such people can consider a Shih Tzu, Maltese, or any other small dog.

Provide healthy food and water

Your dog deserves a well-balanced meal and clean water for a healthy life and high performance. With that being said, most dog and cat breeds have specialized foods designed to meet their nutritional needs and suit their digestion system. Feed manufacturers consider the pet’s age, size, sex, and purpose to produce a specialized feed. Therefore, you cannot buy food meant for large breeds for small breeds.  Before buying or preparing a feed, seek expert advice from a vet or the breeder. The provision of clean water should also be a priority since water is life.

Check their weight

Many pets are suffering from obesity, which puts their health at risk. Obesity mostly stems from overfeeding and the inactiveness of your pet. To prevent this, check the daily amount of feed you provide and the amount of calories in there, depending on your pet’s age and size. Also, keep them active by engaging them in various activities.

Walk your dog

One of the ways to keep your dog very active is by taking them for a walk. The health benefits of dog walking are enormous and also provide some social benefits. Walking your dog lowers their blood pressure, improves their cardio, reduces stress, and provides strong bones and muscles.

Provide the best care during an injury 

Just as humans, your pet can get injured at any time, and providing them the best care when this happens is critical. The first thing to do during an injury is to provide the necessary support, before taking it to the veterinary. Your vet after treating the pet may prescribe medications and other measures to ease the pain. For a leg joint injury, you may need to provide external support like getting leg braces for dogs, which help reduce the pain and give stability. Your vet can help you choose a suitable one that fits your dog.

Consider spaying 

Numerous homeless animals are walking the streets of the US and across the world with no proper care and feeding. Luckily for some, they end up in shelters and are adopted by good families, while others suffer harsh weather conditions and hunger on the streets. Don’t add up to this unfortunate phenomenon. Don’t allow your pet to reproduce if you cannot take care of any more pets. The best option in this situation is to spay your pet.

Treat pests and parasites 

Ticks, fleas, and mange among others can put your lovely friend into uncomfortable situations. They can create infections, hair loss, and irritated skin that makes your pet look unhealthy and unpleasant. Prevent this by providing your pets with the right chemicals and medications that treat pests and parasites.

Provide proper dental care

Don’t be surprised reading this, because just like humans, your pet also requires good dental care. Your pet shouldn’t suffer dental conditions like tooth decay, and bad breath due to your neglect. The good news is that you can provide this care right at home. All you need is to brush your little friend’s teeth frequently or provide enzymatic chews that take care of oral health.

It should be very difficult to provide your new family member (pet) with the above care and even more. If you aren’t ready for these, don’t buy or adopt a pet.

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