What to Bring When Pick Up Puppy from the Breeder?

Picking up your new pup is a thrilling experience that you’ll never forget. You’re going to your home with your new family member. But, if not handled properly, taking a pup home for the first time can be frightening. So, in this article, we’ll go through the necessary items you should bring when picking up a puppy from a dog breeder.

Things You Need To Bring When Pick Up Puppy from the Breeder

1. Puppy Bowl

If you’re travelling a long distance, you’ll need to have a puppy bowl with food and water.

2. Towel or old blanket

We urge that you bring a blanket from home to massage on the puppy’s mother. It will aid in the adjustment and familiarize the puppy’s instincts. It is indeed a good idea to pack some spare old sheets and towels in your backpack in case your puppy gets car sick and you need anything to wipe up after them.

3. Collar and Leash

You would need a leash to begin leash training, so make sure you have one. On the day you pick up your puppy, he or she would be unlikely to walk with it. You should, however, always carry it with you.

4. Crate for Transport

It is prohibited in most Western nations to drive with an unsupervised puppy or dog. While an adult dog may benefit from a seat belt harness or vehicle guard, a puppy should be carried in a dog crate or cage.

It is the most effective strategy to secure their and your protection. An energetic dog hopping around the car while driving would be the last thing anybody want. You would not take a kid home in a cardboard box, and you shouldn’t bring a dog home in one either.

How to Make Your Puppy’s Welcome Home the Best

Whenever you pick up your puppy from a breeder, follow these standards to ensure he arrives safely.

1. Weekend is a Better Option

Take your dog home over the holiday or when you think you will have plenty of time to devote solely to him. This will allow you to get to know each other better while also assisting the puppy in acclimating to his new place.

Birthdays and gatherings with a large number of people should be avoided. It’ll be a significant change for pup, and it’ll be confused and terrifying for him, so take your time to make the change as smooth as feasible.

2. Bring a companion

Picking up a dog is a team effort. It’s a smart option to have someone along. While you’re driving, a family member or friend can give confidence and diversion for dog.

3. Take Him Straight Home

Travel home immediately after taking the dog. It is tempting to introduce your pup to some pals, but that’s vital to take your puppy home and let him establish as quickly as possible.

4. Don’t Panic Your Puppy

When the puppy comes home, make absolutely sure that everyone is in a good mood. Being relaxed and peaceful is the greatest method to welcome your puppy. Your dog will be scared when there are is too much hassle.

If you have other pets, take your time introducing the puppy to them. Try to make everything about him on his first day at home. Later, he’ll have more chance to get to know the other animals.

5. Allow for time and space

Allow the puppy to roam inside by placing him on the couch. He may choose to jump about or hide beneath the sofa and look at you. This has been an exhausting day. Allow him little time to adjust, and ensure you have guidelines and a routine in order for when he is ready and settled.

Techniques for Handling Puppies

Your puppy’s physique is delicate, much like a baby’s; therefore he must be treated with care. Small kids frequently pick up puppies and dangle them from their arms, which is not a good idea.

Ways to Pick Up a Puppy

Following are the steps to pick up and handle a dog in the best way.

  1. Start with one hand beneath his chest and work your way under his belly button from his front legs to the chest. However, don’t raise your arms just yet; that would be enough to keep him from fleeing.
  2. Pat him on the rear from his head to his rump with your second hand, curling his tail underneath and raising his back up.
  3. Move him near your body, securing him for a lovely tight snuggle.

With such an approach, one hand supports your puppy’s weight in a sit posture, whereas the second hand supports and grips his front, and the side of your body is put on his side.

If you teach youngsters the proper method from the beginning, they will be pleased to pass it on to someone else.

Keep in mind that being on his back is not normal for him, so cradling pups like babies and pinching their bellies might cause your pup to wriggle and rush out of your hands, which is quite hazardous.

When repositioning him, make sure he doesn’t bounce out of your fingers because his bones aren’t yet matured enough to support the weight of hopping, particularly if you are standing up. Always set him on the ground completely, starting with paws.

Tips to help your puppy’s relax

Here are some suggestions to help them unwind:

  • Place your puppy in a carrier and strive to keep them in a peaceful setting.
  • If the pup is anxious, do not give it too much attention from youngsters or adults.
  • Ensure that they have adequate room and access to fresh air.
  • Sit in silence and cuddle the puppy if it displays indications of discomfort.
  • Take extra blankets and offer your dog comfort pauses because pups are prone to weeing when anxious or stimulated.


Bringing a new puppy home for the first time is an exciting experience for you, but make it as exciting for your dog as well. As a result, be sure you’re ready. Don’t forget to bring the necessary items with you when you pick up your puppy from the breeder.

We hope that this post has given you the information you need to know about what to bring when you pick him up, how to handle him, and how to make him relax. These pointers will ensure that your first day with your puppy is a memorable one for both of you.

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