What is the largest size anaconda ever found on the earth?

Snakes have been the centre of attraction to the human being. We have been very curious to know more and more about snakes. Even though the bigger and venomous snakes are dangerous; however, our curiosity with snakes knows no bound. Have you feel curious to know what is the largest size Anaconda found on earth?

Anaconda is one such snake that creates apprehension as well as curiosity in the mind of every human being. Most of us have heard about anaconda, and we know it is mammoth; however, we want to know how large it can grow.

What are different types of Anaconda’s?

There are three different species of anacondas, the yellow, the green, and the dark-spotted anaconda.

Which is the smallest Anaconda in the world?

The dark-spotted anacondas are the smallest in size,

Which is the largest Anaconda in the world?

While the green anacondas are the largest.

How Large Can an Anaconda grow?

There have been different reports about the size of an anaconda; however, most of these are not verified. In this article, we will discuss the average size of each species and then try to find about the largest anaconda on earth.

Largest size Anaconda

What are interesting facts on yellow Anaconda?

The yellow anacondas are found in South American countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, islands of Trinidad, etc.

How Yellow Anaconda looks like?

They have yellow or bright tan-colored skin with black or dark brown spot.

What is habitat of yellow Anaconda?

Their habitat is mainly marshy lands, rivers.

What is length, weight and size of Yellow Anaconda?

Though boas are not the biggest; however, they can grow between 10 and 15 feet in length and weigh between 55pounds to 80pounds. The females are larger than their male counterparts.

What are Interesting Facts on Green Anaconda?

The green anacondas are the largest among the species of anaconda. Their skin is olive green in color with an oval-shaped black spot on it.

Biggest anaconda snake on earth

What is length, size and weight of a Green Anaconda?

These snakes grow between 20 to 30 feet in length and weigh up to 550 pounds and grow up to 12 inches in diameter. Green anacondas are not only the biggest among the anacondas, but they are the biggest snakes on the earth.

Also read- Can Anaconda swallow a human Being?

Where you will find Green Anaconda?

These are found in the rain forests of Amazon in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, etc.

What are interesting facts on Dark spotted Anaconda?

These anacondas are usually smaller than the yellow and green ones.

What is length, weight and size of Dark spotted Anaconda?

They grow up to 9 feet and weigh up to 50 pounds and have brown skin with black or dark brown spots over it. The dark-spotted anacondas are found in amazon rain forests and Caribbean islands.  People often think of keeping them as pet snakes.

What is biggest size Anaconda discovered till now?

The Green anacondas are usually up to 28 feet in length. The females are larger than male ones.Some reports even claim a green anaconda can be up to 43 feet long though, as of now, there is no tangible evidence on this.

It is quite challenging to measure the exact length when the snake is in water. There will be controversy about this till the time we don’t have a verified report on it. 

Largest anaconda found in brazil 33 feet
Source- Youtube- Alexandre Flores

Nevertheless, as per a report published by www.thesun.co.uk on 26 September 2016, a monstrous anaconda was caught by some Brazilian construction workers. They found it while carrying out an explosion for their work. As per the report, the workers killed the snake; however, it was not verified.

Click here to read the complete report published on the website.

There is no doubt about one thing that these anacondas have maximum girth as compared to any other snake found on earth now. Some anacondas can have a girth of more than three feet, which is massive.

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