Blue whale vs Sperm Whale difference and fight comparison

Whales, they are most loved animal under the water, they are dangerous animals. People want to know difference and fight comparison between Blue whale vs sperm whale. Go further to know facts on these whales.

What does a blue whale eat?

The blue whale, despite being the largest animal on earth, feeds on one of the smallest marine creatures, krill.

How much sound blue whale generates?

Its vocalisation can go as loud as 174dB.

Is whale a mammal?

The blue whale is a mammal.

How Fast Blue whale swims?

It can reach up to 30mph of speed when startled. Incredible, the scientific name of the Blue Whale is “Balaenoptera musculus”.

Where does it get its name “Blue Whale” from?

Blue whales look like having a bluish-shade on their body when they are near the surface of the ocean.

What does a blue whale look like?

Unlike the name suggests, a blue whale is a greyish-white coloured fish, inhabits in all the world’s oceans. The shades may be greyish-blue and have lighter shades underneath

What is the behaviour of a blue whale?

Blue whales are calm and prefer swimming alone (or in pairs). They hardly attack any other animal. They are nonaggressive in nature and never mess with aggressive animals.

How does a blue whale hunt its prey?

Blue whales use a technique of preying, called “filter-feeding”. In this technique, a blue whale dives down to a deeper region of the ocean, and dive back to the top while keeping its mouth open at an angle of 85 degrees.

This helps the blue whale to devour both krill and the surrounding water. Its baleen bristles filter out the water. Its speed reaches 6.7mph when hunting but slows down when it opens its mouth.

What is size and length of a Blue whale?

Adult blue whales can be as long as 30m long, while baby blue whales are of only 7m long. Females are longer than males, and can be as long as 33.5m long

What are interesting facts on Sperm whale?

The sperm whale is known for being the largest toothed predator and is unfortunately, the only living member of the genus Physeter.

How much sound Sperm whale generates?

Its vocalisation can go up to 230dB loud. It is an animal with the largest brain on earth.

How Fast Sperm whale swims?

Because of its smaller size, it can reach a speed up to 3-9mph usually. But when it speeds up, it can reach up to 28mph.

Where does sperm whale get its name from?

The sperm whale gets its name from an organ called spermaceti, in its head which secrets spermaceti. It is believed to help in maintaining the whale’s buoyancy and sense of echolocation

How does a Sperm Whale look like?

The sperm whale has a darker shade of the colour grey, and their skin tends to be wrinkled. They are a littlebit of cubical in shape and have a hump, like camels. Their wrinkled skin gives them a shrivelled look

What is the behaviour of sperm whales?

Females and the calves are social animals who spend most of their times in pods or groups. The males form their bachelor herds with the others. They produce codas to connect with each other. 

How does Sperm whale hunt its prey?

The giant squid is the primary food of Sperm whales. They use echolocation to locate their prey and produce codas to catch their prey. Sperm whales attack in pods.

What is length and size of a sperm whale?

Known as the largest toothed whale, sperm whales can be as long as 70ft. approximately. Males are larger in size, compared to their female counterparts. 

Blue Whale vs Sperm Whale fight comparison- who will win?

While the blue whale is the largest mammal on earth, sperm whales are the largest toothed-predators on earth. They tend to attack any threats to their young ones.

Blue whales cannot move too fast in ocean unless taunted, while sperm whales, can swim significantly faster than blue whales.

It isn’t straightforward for either of them to stand a chance with each other. This is so because blue whales are larger when compared to sperm whales.

While blue whales attack along, sperm whales attack in pods.

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