Best Guinea Pig Beddings reviews- Top Choices 2022

Guinea pigs are adorable, as a piggy parent you will naturally want to spoil your guinea pig and make sure he lives a lavish small pet life. This article will explore the different types of guinea pig beddings reviews and guide you through the decision making process. 

There are many different types of beddings to choose from, each comes with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. The best guinea pig beddings will leave your guinea pigs feeling like they are in a soft, cuddly heaven. To ensure that your bedding doesn’t fall out of your pet’s cage, we recommend investing in the best guinea pig cages to save yourself from future hassle. 


Hay is a staple in a guinea pig’s diet. It’s a necessary item if your guinea pig lives in an outdoor hutch as it will keep them warm. If you choose to buy hay bedding, you must buy the right kind. Most feeding hay tends to be too harsh and rough, which isn’t the most comfortable thing to sleep on if you were a guinea pig. Soft hay should be purchased instead to keep your piggy comfortable.

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The hay that you choose must be dust-extracted; the dust can have detrimental effects on the health of your pet as it can cause respiratory infections. Hay and similar beddings are not the most absorbent; damp environments are the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria, which can expose your guinea pig to different bacterial infections. There are many alternatives, but if you prefer hay bedding then you need to change it quite often.

Wooden Beddings

Before purchasing a wood-based bedding, you should check if it is safe for your guinea pig. Small Pets Guru does not recommend the use of cedar and pine bedding as the toxins (in the aromatic oils) within them can cause respiratory issues in your guinea pig. They may smell nice, mask the smell of guinea pig urine and be inexpensive; however, it comes with disadvantages.

If you prefer wooden bedding then we recommend that you use Aspen shavings as they don’t contain the aromatic oils, so they are guinea pig friendly. The disadvantage is that aspen bedding is not the best at masking odour. 

Paper bedding

Most paper beddings do not have a harmful smell and they tend to be more absorbent than wood-based or hay beddings. These beddings are usually quite soft and absorbent to some extent. You must ensure that the paper bedding that you choose is pure and does not contain any harmful chemicals or has been printed on before.

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We recommend the Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding as it is natural, 99% dust-free and made from safe materials; as well as the Care fresh Complete Natural Bedding. You can read our full review here

Fleece Cage Liners

Fleece liners are another alternative to the beddings listed above. They are suitable for indoor guinea pig cages; however, there are unique directions for maintenance that need to be followed in order to get the most out of your fleece lining. One of them is that they will need regular washing, this should be considered when purchasing a fleece liner as your guinea pig will need a spare one whilst the other one is being washed. You should ensure that you follow the washing guidelines carefully to avoid your liner shrinking beyond belief. 

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Using a fleece liner is the most environmentally-friendly option of them all, as they do not require constant replacement, it reduces the amount of waste that is thrown away. They are reusable and washable; of course, this must be taken into consideration too since detergent can have negative effects on the environment; however, you can invest in other detergent alternatives to reduce the impact on our world. 

Dust is the enemy of you and your pet as it can expose your guinea pig to respiratory illnesses that we would all like to avoid. These liners are completely dust-free and can be easily washed, which reduces the risk of your pet contracting one of these illnesses or infections and potentially becoming gravely ill.  

For the budding and self-proclaimed interior designers reading this article, you will be pleased to know that guinea pig fleece cage liners come in a variety of colours, thicknesses and sizes. You can turn your pet’s home into a place fit for a king/queen.

Shortly after, you may begin to spiral into buying too many guinea pig home accessories and eventually your guinea pig’s cage may be nicer than your actual house (don’t say I didn’t warn you).  When it comes to choosing the thickness of your liner, you should consider the amount of upkeep that each thickness bears.

For example, thinner liners need to be washed more often. Good quality liners will be more absorbent and keep your pet’s home smelling pleasant. 

We recommend the GuineaDad fleece cage liners as they are both absorbent and comfortable for your guinea pigs.

In conclusion, guinea pigs, like humans, love to feel comfortable and warm. This article has gone through the different types of guinea pig beddings. If you would like to read our recommendations and reviews of the best guinea pig beddings, you can visit our site. At Small Pets Guru, we are committed to small pets, and we make the welfare of our small pets the uttermost priority. 

I hope you like reading on Guinea Pig Beddings reviews.

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