Best Bernedoodle Hair Cuts Trends to follow in 2023

Bernedoodles need regular grooming due to their non-shedding and hypoallergenic coat. If you are not giving a proper haircut to your Bernedoodle, the hairs will be matted, tangled, and pelted. It’s very uncomfortable, irritating, and harmful for the Bernedoodles. 

It’s necessary to know about the different types of Bernedoodle haircuts before going to the groomer. Usually, we only know about some common haircuts of the Bernedoodles, but you need to be specific when you go to the groomer. In this article, we will help you know about some main Bernedoodle haircuts, which you should look, before going for the professional haircut of your Bernedoodle. You can visit for more detailed information about Bernedoodles. 

Bernedoodle Winter Haircut 

It’s one of the most common haircuts of the Bernedoodles. But it’s a generic term, which can mean many things for professional groomers. Typically, the winter haircut means longer hairs all over the body. This is the cut the owners like the most if they are living in the cooler areas. 

Bernedoodle winter haircut features 

  • The 40 blades are used to trim the Bernedoodle hairs to prevent from matting. 
  • The toe’s side hairs are left long. 
  • The face, legs, and chest hairs are trimmed down to one inch. 
  • Hairs of the feet should be even with the pad. 

Bernedoodle Summer Haircut 

The summer haircut of the Bernedoodles proves that they are very basic. It’s a very common and typical Bernedoodle haircut to see them. It’s a very simple haircut, which only requires body hairs of less than 1 inch in length.  Many owners don’t want the summer cut to their Bernedoodles; even it’s very cooler for the Bernedoodles. But it’s a highly recommended haircut for the owners living in the hot areas. 

Bernedoodle summer haircut features 

  • Whole-body trimmed with 1/8 inch clipper comb. 
  • Cut down legs half an inch or so. 
  • Summer cuts require the long and fluffy tail trimmed up with dog shears.
  • The Face hairs are normally the same length as winter cut, but it’s up to you how long you want. 

Bernedoodle Kennel Cut 

Be careful while you are requesting the kennel cut of your Bernedoodle. It means different for different groomers. However, it’s a common name used for the short Bernedoodle hairs. In general, only go for this haircut if your Bernedoodle hairs are extremely matted and tangled. The main idea behind the kennel cut is to keep the Bernedoodle clean and safe while they are kenneled. 

Bernedoodle kennel haircut features 

  • Short hairs all over the body.
  • Typically the hair’s length is 1.5 inches all over the body. 

Bernedoodle Poodle Haircut 

This haircut of the Bernedoodles mostly resembles the poodle haircut. But don’t be specific as there are many varieties of the Bernedoodle Poodle Haircut. Typically, when Bernedoodle owners want a Poodle cut, they want a dog-show hairstyle cut. It makes your Bernedoodle look extremely beautiful, but it’s a little difficult to maintain the Bernedoodle Poodle haircut. 

Bernedoodle poodle haircut features 

  • Short hairs on the back, and lower belly.
  • A short cut on the back legs. 
  • Long hairs on the chest and upper back. 
  • Long head hairs trimmed around the eyes.
  • Short hairs around the toes and feet. 
  • The shorter tail with the longer ankles. 

Other Fun Bernedoodle Haircuts

Bernedoodles can pull off any haircut style. Their amazing hairs can turn into both sides of the genetic family. You can easily get creative when visiting a professional groomer for a haircut. The fun Bernedoodle haircuts include the following. 

  • Bernedoodle Teddy Bear Cut
  • The Lamb Cut
  • Bernedoodle Mohawk Cut 

I hope you like article on Best Bernedoodle Hair Cuts.

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