Baboon vs Hyena fight comparison- Who Will Win?

Baboons are similar to monkeys and Hyena is quite similar to African wild dog.  What happens, if both fight with each other head to head, who will going to win- Hyena or Baboon.

Where do you found Baboons?

Baboons are found in savannahs and woodlands in Africa. There are five known species of Baboons and weight and height of a Baboon depends on the type of species it belongs.

What is weight, length and size of a Baboon?

The smallest Baboon weighs 14 kg and is of length 50 cm; the largest weighs 40 kg and is of length 120 cm.

How long does a baboon live?

Baboons can live up to age 45, but in the jungle, they live on average years between 20 to 30.  

How does a Baboon look like?

Baboons have long, dog-like muzzles. They have powerful jaws with sharp teeth and adjacent eyes, i.e. the distance between both eyes is less. Baboon’s body is covered with thick fur except on their muzzles. They have short tails and have nerveless, hairless pads of skin on their buttocks.

What does a Baboon eat?

Baboons can survive on both plants and animals; they feed on roots, leaves, seeds, fruits, bark, fish, birds, rodents, vervet monkeys and small antelopes.

How do Baboon confront predators?

They have sharp teeth’s and strong arms which help to climb a tree. To confront other predators, they show their teeth, starts making gestures or chase after the predators.  

Can a snake kill a baboon?

Other predators cannot kill Baboon except for Black Mamba Snake. This usually happens when Baboons across paths with Black Mamba.   

Baboon vs hyena

Where do you found Hyena?

Hyenas are found in savannas and grasslands of Africa and sub-deserts of Asia. There are four different species of hyenas, and they are classified on the bases of their diet and size. Female hyenas lead the male hyenas in the group. Hyenas usually live and hunt in groups.

What is length, size and weight of a Hyena?

An average length of a male Hyena is 35 inches in length, and it weighs 40 kg, and a female Hyena is 20 inches in length, and it weighs 27 kg.

How does a Hyena look like?

Hyenas are short and have a wolf-like build body. They have stripped or spotted brown fur with varies from hyenas subspecies. They also have short, blunt and non-retractable claws, which help them to take hard turns while running. 

There is a unique way Hyenas mark their territory. They secrete a white and creamy fluid which is produced in their anal gland. This white fluid has a strong smell, and this indication is for other hyenas that they are entering a region already captured by another hyena.   

How does a Hyena hunt?

Hyenas are both scavengers and hunters. They hunt in groups and also store their food for later consumption. Hyenas can hunt larger predators such as lions. They have sharp teeth’s and usually use their teeth’s for hunting more than their claws.

They have skilled methods to take down larger predators. Hyenas are known for their speed and intelligence.    

Baboon vs Hyena fight comparison- who will win?

If a fight took place between a Baboon and a Hyena, let’s compare their strengths. Hyenas are smaller in size compared to Baboons. But Hyenas are smarter and faster than Baboons. Hyenas have sharp teeth’s and claws which help them while fighting.

On the other hand, Baboons have strong jaw muscles and use gestures to scary their opponents. For my point of view, I think Hyenas will win the fight with Baboon. I hope you like reading on Baboon vs Hyena.

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