Bear vs Elephant Fight comparison- who will win?

Majority of people enjoy watching a fight between wild animals. As far as we like to enjoy watching these fights, it is important to understand that they have negative impacts to the species involved. For instance, if a mother fights with another animal and ends up being injured, it may not be in a good position to protect its young ones or look for food. We do not recommend fighting but yes we are comparing Bear vs Elephant power, if any fight take place.

There are fights between certain wild animals that seem unbelievable. For example, a fight between an elephant and a bear could be tough bearing in mind that they are two large animals that are also known for their strength. First, we will have a look at they physical characteristics and temperament.

Do male Grizzly Bears are larger than Female bears?

The bear is said to be the largest carnivore living on land. Male and female bears exhibit different qualities. For example, a male bear is larger than a female one and the size could be 3 times more.

What is size, length and weight of a Bear?

The length of bears ranges from 2.5 to 3m. A male bear can weigh approximately 650 kg (1, 433 lb). On the other hand, a female weigh 33-551lb (150-250kg). Female bears tend to be shorter with a between 1.8 and 2.5m in length. A pregnant sow can be as heavy as 1, 102lb.

What is the weight and size of heaviest Bear in the world?

It is hard to imagine that there was a polar bear that was recorded to be 1,002kg and 3.7m in length.

How Bear defend itself from predators?

In case of an attack, the bear uses its teeth for defence. The animal has 42 teeth that are strong enough to catch and kill large prey. Its strong canines and incisors tear flesh. The canines are mostly used for tearing hides and grasping prey. Additionally, the bear has large molar teeth that are used for chewing flesh.

How Bear defend itself from predators?

Do Bears are with tail?

The size of its tail is between 7 and 12cm. The bear has strong and large hind limbs. Its paws have curved and strong non-retractile claws. The claws are also used to grasp prey.

Must checkPolar bear vs Grizzly bear

What are the different species of Elephants?

You have read about elephants severally so you know that they are large terrestrial herbivores. The most common species are the African forest elephant, Asian elephant, and the African bush elephant.

What is the use of Elephant trunk?

The most notable feature of the elephant is the trunk that is used for grasping, breathing, and drinking water. Their incisors are also notable because they grow into tusks.

Elephant trunk

How Elephant defend themselves?

These tusks are used to dig and as weapons of defence. One distinguishing factor between these types of elephants is the size of ear flaps.

What is gestation period for Elephants?

The gestation period of these elephants ranges from 18 to 22 months.

How Long does an Elephant live?

Interestingly, elephants can live for several decades. For example, the African forest elephant can live for 70 years, Asian elephant 48 years, and the African bush elephant for about 70 years.

What is weight and height of an Elephant?

These elephants also have different weights. For example, the African bush elephant, the Asian elephant, and the African forest elephant weigh 6, 000kg, 5,400kg, and 2,700kg respectively. Their height also ranges from 2.7 to 3.3m.

Elephant vs bear fight comparison- who will win?

This is one fight that could be quite challenging due to the different abilities of these animals. In this fight, both animals have almost equal chances of harming each other.


The elephant can use its trunk to hit the bear and to push it away. On the other hand, the bear can use it strong and sharp canines to tear the hide of the elephant. The fact that both animals are strong shows that the impact of this fight will be massive.

The elephant may not be in a position  to kill the bear because the latter can easily run and climb different objects unlike the elephant which is only limited to slower movement.

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